Tatyana Hope Lakewood, CO, USA
Born and raised in Russia, I now live and work in Colorado. An artist, mom and teacher. Although I chose teaching as a career, art is my passion and an important part of my life.
What is Art for you?
My life! Art has always been a part of my existence, passion and inspiration. It is my creative, emotional and social outlet. When I create, I feel the most Myself.
What is chocolate to you?
When I put a piece of chocolate in my mouth, many different sensations enter my body and mind. Like millions of electrical currents run through, energize and connect body and soul. The only other time I feel this happy is when I am holding the brush and painting.
What inspires you, and these pieces in particular?
Music, books, experiences, cultures, the weather, Russian folk art, Japanese ink drawings, Art History. My children. I hope that they will be proud of me one day and learn to follow their passion, always.
I draw to process the day or a situation. Sometimes it is a spontaneous urge to put down a dream or a thought. These particular works were done as a studies for an idea for a larger canvas.

$75 8"x10" (includes shipping)
Untitled 2020
Tatyana Hope
Acrylic on canvas
Original size: 18 x 24
Appears on: Sugar Free Milk Nut Bars